Source Base Chip
fun SourceBaseChip(height: Dp, style: SourceBaseChip.Style, onClick: () -> Unit, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, allowsMultiSelection: Boolean = false, onClickLabel: String? = null, badge: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, content: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit)
Composable function to render a customizable chip component with optional badge..
Height of the chip container in Dp.
Styling information for the chip.
on Click
Callback triggered when the chip is clicked.
Modifier to adjust the chip layout or appearance.
allows Multi Selection
Optional - whether the chip allows multiple selections. This is used to set correct semantic role for the chip - checkbox if true, button if false.
on Click Label
Optional label for the onClick action.
Optional content to display a badge over the chip. Usually a Badge.
The content of the chip.